How can we help?
Fire Clear is proud to offer a range of services related to fire safety in social housing. With a particular expertise in fire safety in residential premises, we have sufficient training, knowledge, experience, and third-party accreditation to be a competent, reliable partner with our clients.
Our Vision: Homes free from the fear of fire

Headquartered in Cambridgeshire and operating across East Anglia, the East Midlands, Greater London, and the South East, Fire Clear Ltd is registered with SSAIB, and accredited to BAFE SP205 for fire risk assessments, giving you assurance that our processes are robust, and checked periodically to ensure that you get the service you need, and the value for money you expect. FIND OUT MORE >

Safe in your home
With fires in the home affecting almost one in every 1,000 homes in England in 2020 we are keen to share some simple, practical ways you can keep yourself safe.